Sunday, August 16, 2015

Two children's are locked up in a dog cage by their grandfather, the reason will left you tear eyed

Children's are God's gift from everyone. Taking care of the is hard but they would surely make your day a happier one. But an incident in Nanjing in Eastern China had happened that two young children were rescued  from  being locked up on a with cage with dogs. This can be compared to the Hansel and Gretel story with the wicked witch on it. 

The sibling are a four-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl who were routinely locked up in the said cage with the digs together with them by their grandfather whenever he goes out and would leave the children's  unattended. He is locking them off to make sure that they would not roam around the streets whenever he is not there with them. The residents said that the two were always seen playing around with the dogs without any supervision from an adult, according to People's Daily. The poor children's are scavenging foods from trash bins, eating foods or drinking seawage water while they were in the cage.

The unnamed siblings are said to be born out of wedlocked and then abandoned by their own mother two years ago. At some point, the grandfather become the guardian of the two kids because tgeir father had been away for work. Sadly, the two and the grandfather  are struggling to make ends meet and live on a shed near a dog cage. Because of some protest, the two poor kids are now places on a temporary shelter until they can found a better accommodation  for them. Good news is, both the kids are examined in a hospital and confirmed that they are both healthy. The story is just one of about hundreds of thousands from stories of poverty, broken families, abused and abandoned children and other apalling situations. 

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